
Caregiver Connect is an ongoing virtual support group dedicated to helping caregivers manage the stress and joys of being a caregiver. The group is open to anyone who is actively caring for or supporting another person.


It is led by professionals who provide education, practical advice, and support to caregivers. The group provides caregivers with a safe environment to share stories with others who are going through the caregiving process. This support group is free and open to the public. The support group will be held virtually. Pre-registration is required.

If you are unable to complete your Aurora Caregiver Connect enrollment? Can’t log into the Aurora Caregiver Connect login portal and spend too much time on it? If yes, then don’t worry now that you are here. All your questions will be answered.

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Follow The Registration Steps

To use the benefits and services of the registration portal, you must register on the official website carenerconnect.aurora.org.

  •  CaregiverConnect.aurora.org is the official website.
  • Click on the Create Account option.
  • Your browser will redirect you to the new page.
  • You must first provide your personal information.
  • Next, you need to enter your date of birth.
  • Your social security number must also be entered.
  • Finally, you must enter your valid email address.
  • When finished, click Connect.
  • After completing the registration process, a confirmation email will be sent to you.

Steps And Stages Of Login

  • Access the official Caregiver Connect portal at www.caregiverconnect.aurora.org.
  • Click on the login button.


  • Your browser will redirect you to the new page.
  • Enter the requested information.
  • For security reasons, you must also provide an email address.
  • A click on the Submit button completes the process.

Registration requirements for Aurora Caregiver Connect

  • Login web address for Aurora Caregiver Connect portal.
  • Accessing the Aurora Caregiver Connect portal requires a username and password.
  • Web browser.
  • Laptop, computer, smartphone, or tablet with a reliable internet connection.

 Mentoring Program for Connector Helpers

Being diagnosed with prostate cancer in a loved one and taking on a new role as a caregiver can be a stressful, uncertain, and frightening experience.

They can tell you if you’re researching treatments correctly, ask the right questions, and help you manage treatment side effects effectively. You may worry about having time for yourself, asking for help, and getting to work on time.
They understand that while every prostate oncology nurse’s journey is different, it’s natural to want to speak with someone who has experience in the field.

As a peer support program for caregivers and those who have lost loved ones to prostate cancer, ZERO created the Caregiver Connector Program to facilitate these conversations.

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